
Blessings Everybody from Burkina Faso,

How Father loves us, He wants to invade our lives with His manifest Presence to show the whole world His love and power.
He wants to walk in us and with us to reign but it is our choice to chose to walk with Him, to prefer Him above the cares of this life above our busyness above our fears and disappointments that invade our souls. Even though we are alive in our spirit unto God, it is making place for Him in our soul that makes the difference.

Can two walk together lest they be agreed?

Ps 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. NKJV
Whatever is our meditation becomes our celebration, for good or bad, for as a man thinks in his heart so is he. The Lord wants us to celebrate His loving fulness.
We are having wonderful services and the teaching process in the use of the truck and trailer is coming right along.

First the setting up and taking down of the unit and then driving with it behind the Toyota and especially backing up, oh my!!
For people who have not driven much, now to back up with a trailer behind it, is a whole different story for them.
So Dennis found a trailer hooked it behind a moped to see if they could get the principle in their mind of how to maneuver it to back up, and they are getting it.

Pastor Abraham and Matthew are the right team and they are getting their practice in, they can't wait to start ministering with this equipment in the bush.

Next week will be busy, tomorrow at pastor Deborah's church where we had a great service on Friday, on Tuesday the heart of man group wants some more teaching, on Wednesday we drive to Koudagou for a service at Pastor Antoine Mugnse's church.

Friday and Saturday meetings for Pastors and church leaders at Pastor Abraham's church.

Sunday morning at a new church with a lady pastor, then in the evening both Dennis and I will fly to our different directions, he to Nairobi then to Kinshasa to help build a school, I will fly to Paris then to Singapore, overnite at a motel, then next morning on to Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia, for a crusade and pastors conference, the following week a six hour ferry on to the island for another pastors conference.

We appreciate your prayers for strength, traveling grace and mercies, and the Holy Spirit of wisdom and revelation with impartation in every meeting.

We are really having sweet times in the Lord.

Love you all!


Trust everything is all right with all of you, I had a safe trip, the pilot before landing here informed us that it was 40 C in Ouagadougou, folks it is hot. Thank God it is not humid.
Preached yesterday at pastor Abraham's church after a nearly 10 hours sleep and had a great service. Today, Monday, at 10 am I have meeting with the pastors involved in the outreach to the bush with the truck and trailer. I am doing well, just know you don't have to work to sweat here, just relax, ha ha !
Love you all!